Friday, March 17, 2017

War Binder || How to get started

Whether you are seasoned in your faith, or just beginning your walk, I am so glad you are here.  Introducing ones self to the concept of a War Binder can be exhilarating and overwhelming, so I wanted to put some resources together for you to help you get started and point you in the direction of some great examples!

First, have you joined our Facebook group? If not, here is the link!

The most important thing to remember when setting up your War Binder is this:  Though we all are attracted to the way it looks, or begin comparing what we have with what others have, take a deep breath and remember, this binder is about you.  About your journey in your faith, and a tool for you to use to enrich that.  While it may look pretty for some, it could also be empty inside, so set out to focus on what you are going to put on the inside.

Once you have a system in place, and trust me when I say, you will change it over and over and over again until it is not only a great system for you, but something that is also realistic.  I have a few videos on getting your binder setup.

To get started with the idea, here are a couple of videos to help you!

The amazing news is you do not need a ton of money to have a War Binder.  Here is a great video I posted on a budget War Binder

If you have a binder planner, or a traveler's notebook, check out Hurry Up and Plan on Etsy for inserts!

Lastly, if you are like me, I LOVE looking for inspiration.  Anything that will grab my attention, and really get me focused to get in my binder each and every day, no matter the time.  We have built a Pinterest board just for this, where you can find free printables, study guides, and just inspiration to get our minds going.

Our Pinterest Board is:

The greatest advice I have when you start, is to simply start.  Grab a notebook, or even a piece of paper and write down what is in your heart, or what I love to do is write out my prayers.

We are here to help and hope you will connect with us!  Below you will find the links to locate us on social media!

Blessings friends!

Instagram: @warbinder

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